
Republicans for Cannabis Reform

By Dan Mitchell
Sep 16, 2020
The third annual National Cannabis Policy Summit, held online last week, is billed as a big mattress for strange bedfellows. In her introductory remarks, Caroline Phillips, founder of the National Cannabis Festival, which produces the summit, described it as an...

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BREAKING: Cannabiz report highlights hemp concerns

Story will be updated with any additional responses.A new analysis of hemp-derived products available to Californians found that 95% contain chemically synthesized cannabinoids, which Gov. Gavin Newsom banned last year. The study, conducted by a group with ties to the...

Riverside licensing reversal angers retailers

Riverside's city council suspended the city's nearly complete dispensary licensing process this month, jeopardizing local investments from some of California's largest retailers.The move, which owes to the council's concerns about shop locations and other issues, has left retailers fuming as...

What do LA fires mean for cannabiz insurance?

As with everything else business related, weed makes insurance more complicated. With the insurance situation in the LA fires’ devastating wake already presenting major challenges, I spoke to Charles Pyfrom, the Bay Area-based Chief Marketing Officer for CannGen, about what...

EXCLUSIVE: What’s next for Eaze?

On January 1, the parent company of California delivery app Eaze and the Colorado and Florida dispensary chain Green Dragon opened with a new corporate structure. The move had been widely anticipated since tech billionaire Jim Clark, an Eaze investor,...

Calif. pesticides mess has no easy fix

Until a few years ago, buying cannabis in California, and pretty much everywhere else, meant accepting the risk that it contained potentially dangerous pesticides and other contaminants. With legalization, California consumers agree to pay taxes on weed in part because...

Introducing: Anytime Low Dose THC Seltzers with 0 Calories and 0 Sugar

Anytime's new, nationally-available microdose THC seltzers won seven awards at America’s Best Spirits Competition, including Best in State.Key Takeaways (TLDR)TLDR provided byAnytime Seltzer wins seven awards, including Best in State and regional recognition, showcasing its success in the competitive hemp...