As COVID-stricken provinces decided how much business to shut down, cannabis emerged as an essential item for which demand appears stable.
Globe and Mail, Bloomberg
Ontario, where 142 of 337 LPs are located, included REC retail and cannabis producers among its (long) list of essential services exempt from a provincial 14-day shutdown order. (The province is also temporarily loosening laws to support alcohol providers.)
MJ Biz Daily, BNN Bloomberg, the Star
- Lawyer Trina Fraser said the breadth of activities named "essential" in Ontario indicates the province expects it will be locked down a great deal longer than its initially stated 14 days.
Twitter--@TrinaFraser - Meanwhile, as demand has surged, the Ontario Cannabis Store is approaching its annual inventory review, and warned consumers orders received between Sunday and Wednesday of this week to expect delays.
Quebec also designated alcohol, REC retail, and cannabis production "priority enterprises" and kept stores open--though the province will begin closing many essential stores on Sundays for cleaning and to give staff a break.
MJ Biz Daily, CTV News
- The SQDC (as well as the SAQ) asked consumers to shop online when possible and respect physical distancing when shopping in physical stores.
Global News - The provincial agency plans to go ahead with its plans to open two new stores next week.
Cannabis was named an essential service in BC, in Alberta, in Manitoba. No provinces or territories have shut down REC retail due to COVID.
MJ Biz Daily