

The vaping disease which has killed six and sickened hundreds continues to stump doctors. A “significant subset” of vaping fluids used by sick patients contained vitamin E acetate, a diluent sometimes found in illegal cannabis vapes. However, some of the sick patients have denied vaping THC products.
N.Y. Times

Doctors consider using vapes bought illegally to be the riskiest behavior, although they can’t confirm the safety of approved products. “E-cigarette aerosol is not harmless,” according to a story in the The New England Journal of Medicine. “It can expose users to substances known to have adverse health effects, including ultrafine particles, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds and other harmful ingredients.”

The Oregonian interviews two pulmonologists who treated a patient who succombed to the disease. The patient was the only fatality known to have shopped at licensed dispensaries.

The backlash is on:

Cannabis industry groups consider the outbreak another reason to legalize cannabis, arguing dangerous products would be less likely in a fully regulated market. “These unfortunate illnesses and deaths are yet another terrible, and largely avoidable, consequence of failed prohibition policies,” National Cannabis Industry Association co-founder Aaron Smith tweeted.
Marijuana Moment

And in a late breaking story, an AP investigation has uncovered another contamination problem which could mean more headached for the industry. The reporter found CBD vapes and edibles spiked with dangerous (and much cheaper) synthetic cannabinoids.