Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory’s dozens of dispensaries, which serve “thousands of cars on a daily basis,” have touched off an economic boom in the First Nation, where home- and business renovations are becoming widespread and several new gas stations have opened to serve nearby Highway 401.
CBC Toronto
- A Kingston landlord who wanted to enter the Ontario REC retail lottery argued it would be impossible to compete with the dozens of unlicensed cannabis shops on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.
CBC Ottawa
Quick Hits
- A group of Chiefs from Ontario, Saskatchewan, and BC argued while legal REC industry was “a historic an tangible opportunity” for First Nations, all face a barrier to entry because the federal government handed REC retail to the provinces—none of which have governance relationships with First Nations.
Globe and Mail - At Neyaashiinigmiing First Nation in Ontario, protests from community members stopped a planned outdoor MED production facility just before Health Canada approval. Band members say the First-Nations–owned Wiisag Corp. failed to properly consult with them.
CBC Indigenous - The Nunavut government slashed its markup on dry flower from $4 to $1 per gram after REC sales decline dramatically between Q1 and Q2 of the fiscal year. Nunavut REC prices are among the country’s highest, averaging between $14 and $16 per gram against the national $10 average.