Researchers at the University of British Columbia say Canadian drug-impaired driving laws are too stringent.
Western Star
- In a five-year study published in Addiction, UBC researchers determined there was no increased risk of crash in the blood-THC levels currently considered to indicate impairment.
- While levels of THC spike after smoking a joint and dissipate quickly, THC builds up in body fat and is released constantly into the blood for weeks.
- UBC’s Dr. Jeffrey Brubacher, lead researcher, said, “A medical marijuana user, for example, would never be allowed to drive.”
- Brubacher said he believed impaired-driving laws should be changed.
Quick Hits
- THC BioMed launched Pure Cannabis Cigarettes, which will have commercial cigarette-style filters. The company claims using a filter is “a better way of smoking pot,” but filters in cigarettes do nothing to mitigate the harms of tobacco smoke. The press release also suggests the products can help smokers to quit, which would be an illegal health claim.
NewsWire, Yahoo Finance, The Leaf - Nanoemulsions are one of the key technologies that will allow easy infusion of cannabinoids—but there are concerns about how safe nanoemulsions are for humans to consume. Those who produce technologies competing with nanoemulsions are quick to point these concerns out, but independent health agencies are also uncertain whether nanoemulsions, according to one report, “may accumulate in the body, in particular in the lungs, in the brain and in the liver.”
Vancouver Sun - One way to get good publicity in spite of Health Canada’s stringent marketing laws is to partner with a charity and do good deeds, which CannTrust did in partnering with Project Share and Hospice Niagara.
St. Catharine’s Standard