

The BC Court of Appeals turned down an application from Vancouver’s unlicensed dispensary owners for a stay of the B.C. Supreme Court decision ordering illegal dispensaries shut down. The nine stores involved in the application—including four locations of the franchise Weeds—were warned they would be held in contempt of court if they did not close immediately.
Vancouver Courier, Vancouver Sun, CTV News

Quick Hits

  1. The Globe profiled Toronto’s budtenders and their relationships with customers.
    Globe and Mail
  2. After the Globe suggested the Ontario government would soon allow 50 more REC stores to open—and Lift & Co repeated the suggestion—provincial finance minister Vic Fedeli’s assistant said, “It’s not true. We do not have any plans at this moment in time to offer more licences.”
    Globe and Mail, Lift, Vice
  3. Health Canada isn’t considering legalizing psilocybin mushrooms just yet, though a representative acknowledged the agency has issued a formal “no objection” letter to a clinical trial on medical psilocybin.