A line of hair-care products called “CBD Infused Inc” from cosmetic company Trade Secrets raised controversy this week, both because they appeared to be advertising CBD in contravention of the Cannabis Act, and also because they contain no CBD. CBD Infused Inc products like “Mary Jane Rinse” and “Black Market Styling Cream” are legal for sale at Toronto’s Eaton Centre–but it might mean they’re contrary to Ontario’s consumer protection laws.
Twitter–Mat Columbro, GrowthOp
- The products only contain hemp oil, which has no cannabinoids, and they do not list CBD among their ingredients.
- Lawyer Trina Fraser warned that Ontario law prohibits false, misleading, or deceptive advertising. “I don’t know how [that product display] couldn’t be misleading. […]Either they’re illegally selling CBD or they’re selling a product that’s making a pretty fundamental misrepresentation about the nature of the product.”
Quick Hits
- Someone brought infused food to a potluck meal following a memorial service in Greenwood, BC, “the smallest city in Canada,” but didn’t tell everyone. A number of people inadvertently consumed the food, including some seniors.
Nanaimo Bulletin - Sun-grown REC brands are popular among the environmentally conscious.
The Straight