

Our week began with a deep dive into what weed-aware California has known for years: MedMen is the towering inferno of hot pot messes.

  • Having lost 95% of its stock market value, the Culver City-based company has become a cautionary tale. According to a suit, “the WeWork of weed” provided a salary for Bierman’s personal marriage counselor and, among other remarkable expenditures, a panic room for the CEO’s home, Cadillac Escalades and a Tesla SUV. 
  • Independent of wild spending and profligate partying, MedMen was as much undone by “dealing with regulators who are just kind of making it up.”

Quick Hits

  1. On Tuesday, Santa Barbara supervisors are expected to do what critics say the county should have done a long time ago: Make all permits conditional.
    Santa Barbara Independent
  2. Not many would have remembered the failed canna business Genius Fund. But last month a former employee filed a lawsuit claiming Genius Funds’ owner blew through $165M. That owner was billionaire Dmitry Bosov, who died weeks after the suit was filed in what the Russian government called suspected suicide.
    Radio Free Europe
  3. The suspected killers of Santa Cruz grower Tushar Atre have been arrested. Two of the men arrested were employees at Atre’s cultivation facility. 
    Silicon Valley Business Journal
  4. A potential Supreme Court case is asking a big labor question: Under federal labor law, can cannabis workers sue their employers?