

The era of seed-to-sale tracking (i.e., METRC) remains a difficult adjustment for many of the Emerald Empire pros whose survival once hinged on the ability to grow and sell weed on the super-mega down-low. 

Amid pandemic conditions and across the supply chain, here is what that adaptation looks like.
Redheaded Blackbelt

  • How cannabis goods legally move from one version to another would be considered comically complicated were so many local growers not drowned in this bureaucracy. A “simplified” version is covered here. Grab a coffee, it’s not short.
  • Because distribution companies tend to link business transactions  better than anyone, Emerald Empire “distro” offers a pure take. Many farmers still lack compliance necessities such as printers. Antiquated and quirky, the chaos of these hold0ver approaches echo throughout the supply chain.
  • The more successful have simply “started nerding out,” accepting that track-and-trace won’t be splitting this season or next

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      Green Entrepreneur