Last week, two stories hit the news suggesting illicit cannabis tainted with dangerous opioids might be sold on the illicit market. In response, the Ontario Harm Reduction Network reminded the media that there has not been a single case of cannabis contaminated with opioids.
CBC Thunder Bay
- Thunder Bay Drug Strategy coordinator Cynthia Olsen elaborated on last week’s story about a green powder which contained carfentanil but not cannabis. She said the substance “had no resemblance to cannabis […by…] weight[,] scent[,] or by its texture. There was no indication that that substance was being marketed or sold as cannabis.” The substance was crystalline, not leafy. Its only similarity to cannabis was that it was green.
CBC Windsor, Ontario Harm Reduction Network - Olsen added the profit margins on opioids are significantly higher than on cannabis, so it is unlikely that a seller would deliberately lace a cheap drug with a more expensive one.
Quick Hits
- Canopy announced an expanded partnership with Parent Action on Drugs as well as harm-reduction organization Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy. Together, they will develop online tools like the “Weed Like to Know” chatbot and the “What’s With Weed” SMS tool. Both will deliver evidence-based facts about cannabis, along with means to encourage consumers to reflect upon their use, and support for those who’d like to consume less.