

The pandemic has hit the City of Los Angeles with a $50M revenue shortfall. Throughout the month, its Budget and Finance Committee has meetings scheduled. Ripe for cutting, per Mayor Eric Garcetti’s proposed budget, are police hours dedicated to cannabis enforcement.

What this development spells for L.A.’s effort to counter the traditional cannabis market is curtailed enforcement of unlicensed shops.
MJ Biz Daily

  • Legal weed’s best L.A. hope is that the proposed padlock ordinance will be in place within the next month or so.
  • The LAPD estimates that 75 unlicensed retailers operate within city limits. In February 82 were operating, according to the police.

Quick Hit

  1. California wants to fund an 87-member marijuana police force. A public-health advocacy group has countered with two studies indicating that weed revenue would be better spent on community-led health initiatives and such, rather than funding more law enforcement
    Sacramento Bee
  2. At Oakland’s most recent Cannabis Regulatory Commission meeting, a couple of owners suggested they and their employees be permitted to carry guns, sparking a deeply relevant conversation. 
    East Bay Express