Former Vice President Joe Biden wasn't the industry's pick to lead this year's Democratic ticket, but some insiders think the selection of California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate is an encouraging sign. ????WW California has more.
- Harris Bricken attorney Vincent Sliwoski notes that Harris co-sponsored the MORE Act, which would legalize REC with substantial equity provisions. Sliwoski said it would make her the presidential cabinet member with the most progressive views on cannabis in history.
- “It’s all encouraging,” Sliwoski said. “I hope she’ll push him pretty hard.” But he warned against expecting a Biden-Harris victory to immediately lead to removing cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
- Zack Ruskin looks at how Harris learned to love weed. (In his Rolling Stoned newsletter this week, Ruskin discusses cannabis' in-roads in higher-education.)
S.F. Chronicle
Marijuana Moment dove into Harris' long, and sometimes contradictory, record on cannabis.
- Republicans, including President Trump, quickly seized on how Harris, as a prosecutor, was tough on cannabis offenders.
Business Insider put together a list of ????seven pot stocks to bet on if the Democrats win in November.
Quick Hit
- Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.) used to oppose legalization. But now that he's challenging incumbent Senator Ed Markey, Kennedy supports legal REC and has been talking about the medical value of psychedelics.
Marijuana Moment