Every company in the sector wishes it could sell products based on how they make consumers feel, but because cannabinoids have different effects at different levels and across different users, many believe such products would be impossible to design.
Inside the Jar
- As reviewers, researchers, data-aggregators, and producers alike attempt to develop a record of product effects, they face the challenge that cannabis’s effects vary too widely among users to create products that provoke similar effects in different people.
GrowthOp - It remains difficult even to answer a basic question: will this type of weed make me anxious? A 2018 study attempting to determine whether any cannabis chemotypes naturally soothed anxieties concluded MED could definitely be effective for anxiety, but since it also sometimes caused anxiety, more research was necessary.
In a series of articles, WeedWeek founder/editor Alex Halperin dove deep into Colorado company Ebbu–acquired by Canopy for roughly $327M in 2018–that was developing predictable cannabis products. They were never released.
Pando, WeedWeek