With the state’s patchwork rules dictating unpredictable outcomes, it makes sense that counties and cities are reacting so differently to hemp production.
Plumas News/New Cannabis Ventures
- While rural places like Plumas and Lake counties are contemplating and enacting hemp moratoriums, outside investors are buying into communities such as the Sacramento Elk Grove. A few decades ago, suburban Elk Grove might have been one of those communities that opposed hemp for specious reasons.
- The Elk Grove Farming Company is backed by CannTrust. This weeke Canadian company this week signed a letter of intent that will “provide access to over 3,000 acres of farmland for hemp production” to the diversified farming company.
- “I’m mad, I’m angry and I’m scared,” Plumas rancher Rick Roberti after a meeting in which hemp opponents outnumbered supporters. A resounding cheer went up in the Plumas County Board of Supervisors’ meeting room when the ban was narrowly passed. Roberti’s family had invested $500,000 in this year’s crop, which was to be planted this week.
Quick Hit
- But have you ever tried mergers… on CBD?? The consolidation story never gets old, in part because the industry experiences it from so many different angles.
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