Supported by the Ontario Provincial Police, the Anishinabek Police Service raided a dispensary on Wahnapitae First Nation in Ontario—despite entreaties from Wahnapitae Chief Larry Roque, who attempted to convince the police to leave, saying the community is working to pass its own cannabis regulations.
- The Anishinabek Police serves 15 of 40 communities in the Union of Ontario Indians—meaning officers do not report to a local authority or Chief and Council.
- Anishinabek Police arrested Creator’s Choice and First Nation Medicinal owner Derek Roque. Roque intends to argue selling MED on a First Nation is a treaty right protected by the constitution.
Dispensing Freedom - Protestors—including Band Councillor Ted Roque (related to Derek Roque) rallied outside the Sudbury courthouse to protest Roque’s arrest, arguing Ontario does not have jurisdiction on Wahnapitae land and police should have respected the community’s own process toward a cannabis law.
CTV News, Sudbury
Quick Hits
- Before legalization, dispensary workers used to be able to expect many judges would just drop charges. That may be changing. In London, ON, nine defendants arrested in dispensary raids immediately before and after legalization pled guilty to trafficking cannabis.
London Free Press - As flowering season is upon us, so apparently begins the season of people stealing whole plants out of neighbours’ yards and sheds.
Stratford Beacon Herald, St Catherine’s Standard