The U.S. Food and Drug Administration held a much-anticipated hearing on how to regulate CBD. It was seen as a first step towards clarity on the cannabis-derived chemical, which has become a fast-billion-dollar industry.
- Though there have been few, if any, health issues arising from the CBD craze, the agency has safety concerns about the compound.
- Among other issues, the FDA is concerned about poor quality CBD products on the market, and doesn’t have much interest in anecdotal evidence.
Leafly - Though mainly as a publicity stunt, Ben & Jerry’s raised the possibility of CBD-infused ice cream. The creamery is owned by consumer products giant Unilever.
Cannabis Wire - The TSA clarified it will allow hemp-derived CBD on flights under certain circumstances.
Marijuana Moment - A synthetic form of CBD appears to be cheaper and as effective as the plant-derived version.
New Atlas - European non-profits are eager for more standardized CBD products.
Quick Hit
- A federal court ruled the federal government must “promptly” rule on rescheduling cannabis so those dependent on MED do not suffer.
Marijuana Moment