Scrapping tight limits on REC retail licensing, the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority announced plans to “move forward with an open market” for REC retail in two phases over an 11-month period.
Regina Leader-Post
- At present, the REC licenses are capped at 51 for the province of 1.2M, and are only allowed in municipalities larger than 2,500 people.
- The SLGA distributed the 51 REC retail licenses (all private) via lottery. REC stores exist in 32 communities.
CBC Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan has seen REC sales stagnate compared with continually increasing sales in other provinces, and most believe that’s due to the limit on stores.
MJ Biz Daily
- In April 2020, the SLGA will begin accepting license applications for communities of fewer than 2,500.
- In September 2020, the SLGA will scrap the 51-store limit in favour of “as many locations as the market will bear.”
The decision angered private liquor store owners, whose stores face limits of no more than 40 per city of 275,000, and no more than one for small communities with more than 500 people.
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix
Quick Hits
- Organigram VP Public Affairs Cameron Bishop called on Justin Trudeau’s government to get serious about supporting and celebrating the economic gains from legalization, while former Hexo Chief Medical Officer–turned–losing Liberal candidate Terry Lake called for Trudeau to “take a ‘whole of government’ approach to this industry.” Twitter—Cameron Bishop, Terry Lake
- Facing the threat of frost, 48North was forced to bring in a helicopter to hover over its outdoor crop and suck up cold air. Instagram—Devin Piche (48North Master Grower)