New Jersey Senator and presidential candidate Cory Booker (D) said he will only support REC legalization if the bill contains equity provisions for the communities most affected by the war on drugs. He is now working to include them in the STATES Act.
Booker sponsored the more liberal Marijuana Justice Act which would expunge past convictions and support investment in those communities.
He’s throwing down the gauntlet as legalization becomes more central to the Democrat’s agenda.
- Dem lawmakers held their first ever cannabis reform panel at a party retreat. And several House committees have it on the agenda. A new bill would allow state-legal cannabis use in federally subsidized housing.
marijuana moment - In a call with reporters, legalization supporter Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) predicted the SAFE Banking Act, which would enable access to financial services, would pass the House this year. He also anticipates the House Judiciary Committee would take up rescheduling cannabis later this year. The industry would rather see cannabis de-scheduled, so it’s regulated more like tobacco and alcohol.
Also: Federal regulations to support businesses in struggling “opportunity zones” could benefit cannabis businesses.
n.y. times
Quick hit
- McGuireWoods is the latest powerful D.C. firm to join cannabis lobbying efforts.
the recorder