The spreading Coronavirus and its impacts on the vape industry are being capably documented. Yet, the specter of Covid-19 is being received like no health crisis before it. For starters, the virus might have benefits for the cannabis industry in general and delivery services in particular. Â
Marketwatch, Hollywood Reporter, Cannabis Business Times
- In Los Angeles, “scarcity mode” is the order of the day, with fewer people on the streets and more in dispensaries. Though not yet at the levels of masks and toilet paper, marijuana sales are up, according to a number of big-name dispensaries. As Alex Halperin pointed out on Monday’s WeedWeek podcast, cannabis is the tried-and-true companion of the isolated and stir crazy.
- The less anecdotal Covid-19 story is that commercial vaping hardware is not accessible outside of China. (Some companies have begun to look at packaging alternatives to the besieged nation.) Normally a mid-winter disruption occurs because of  the lunar New Year, so many vape companies have so far been insulated from feeling the effects of China’s shutdown thus far.
- Supply-chain issues have stymied the rollout of Canada’s so-called “Cannabis 2.0,” which includes vapes and edibles.
Quick Hits
- A San Luis Obispo County Supervisor attempted suicide after the FBI raided his office on Wednesday. Supervisor Adam Hill has been dogged by corruption allegations for more than five years, according to Cal Coast News.
- Remember the Ashley Madison data leak of five years back? Cannabis data, too, has sensitive associations among customers, and that’s just one reason why attention to data retention matters.