Return with us to olden times: Before every third washed-up jock started a brand. Before Kyle Turley even conceived of his eyebrow-raising claims. When Walgreen’s couldn’t imagine peddling the stuff.
The year is 2011. Samantha Miller, a biochemist who had been growing marijuana since age 14, hosted a gathering of activists, farmers, doctors and writers at her split-level Northern California home. Miller had quit a six-figure job to start her own cannabis testing lab. But on this early winter she helped form the hemp craze’s origin story.
New York Times
- Fred Gardner, a 78-year-old writer and anti-war activist, inspired the gathering, having begun with the 2009 cannabis testing breakthrough, Project CBD. Miller called together her explorers a few months after Gardner’s website went up.
- By the following summer, chronically ill people began to know of cannabidiol, the plant’s healing chemical. An epileptic child used CBD on the Discovery Channel’s Weed Wars, a show featuring co-founder of Steep Hill lab, Steve DeAngelo.