Compensation for Canopy Growth‘s top-six executives spiked after legalization last fall, earning them a combined $28.5M, compared with a combined $11.3M in fiscal 2018, and $4M for 2017.
- Ousted CEO Bruce Linton was paid $9.33M in the fiscal year ending March 31, compared with $2.52M the previous year. Canopy paid him an additional $1.5M when they fired him in July.
- Of Canopy, Linton said, “She broke up with me. I’m still digging her,” and said he hoped the next CEO would be a woman from the tech sector.
Yahoo Finance
Canopy terminated a proposed partnership with the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake to build a cultivation site in the Montreal-adjacent Kahnawake Mohawk Territory. The company is also selling an indoor cultivation facility, located in BC’s Okanagan Valley, for $13M.
Two-Row Times, Globe and Mail
Quick Hits
- Even if you’ve never had either, everyone knows what a beer or a joint is. But cannabeverages are new to nearly everyone, and as such they’re hard to market.
Globe and Mail - Food farmers are facing off with cannabis farmers again, arguing cannabis is a commercial product, not a crop, and should not receive lower agricultural tax rates. The provincial government says they’re looking into changing the tax rates for LPs.
CBC Calgary, Edmonton Journal