

Compensation for Canopy Growth‘s top-six executives spiked after legalization last fall, earning them a combined $28.5M, compared with a combined $11.3M in fiscal 2018, and $4M for 2017.

  • Ousted CEO Bruce Linton was paid $9.33M in the fiscal year ending March 31, compared with $2.52M the previous year. Canopy paid him an additional $1.5M when they fired him in July.
  • Of Canopy, Linton said, “She broke up with me. I’m still digging her,” and said he hoped the next CEO would be a woman from the tech sector.
    Yahoo Finance

Canopy terminated a proposed partnership with the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake to build a cultivation site in the Montreal-adjacent Kahnawake Mohawk Territory. The company is also selling an indoor cultivation facility, located in BC’s Okanagan Valley, for $13M.
Two-Row Times, Globe and Mail

Quick Hits

  1. Even if you’ve never had either, everyone knows what a beer or a joint is. But cannabeverages are new to nearly everyone, and as such they’re hard to market.
    Globe and Mail

  2. Food farmers are facing off with cannabis farmers again, arguing cannabis is a commercial product, not a crop, and should not receive lower agricultural tax rates. The provincial government says they’re looking into changing the tax rates for LPs.
    CBC Calgary, Edmonton Journal