Canada Post asked LPs to stop shipping product to New Brunswick’s Campobello Island, which is only accessible through Lubec, Maine, nine months of the year.
Financial Times
- Since legalization, US Customs and Border Protection has enraged island residents by opening and seizing Canadian mail passing through the US en route to Campobello Island. Some have called the practice a violation of Canadian sovereignty.
CBC—Day 6, Freight Waves - In order to cool simmering tensions on the island, Canada Post asked LPs to cease shipping to Campobello in order “to provide timely and reliable service to the [island] residents.”
Boston Globe - Materia Ventures CEO and MED advocate Deepak Anand noted such a ban would prevent MED patients from receiving medication.
Twitter—Deepak Anand
REC is legal in Maine, but US Customs and Border Protection enforces federal laws, including federal cannabis prohibition.