British Columbia’s provincial Community Safety Unit raided the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club, a compassion club for MED patients in operation since 1996. The raid was immediately enormously unpopular.
CBC British Columbia, Facebook Video, Twitter—Mark Hauk, Kirk Tousaw, Buzz Dankyear, BC Independent Cannabis Association, Travis Lane.
- Police in BC have traditionally left compassion clubs alone, and many saw the raid as a betrayal of trust between police and the MED patient community.
- Mononymous grower Remo (of cannabis nutrients firm Remo Brands) called the VCBC “true medical access. Recreational people need not apply. […] What a devastating day for so many sick people.”
The BC government announced a plan to tax all vapour products by 20%—including dry-herb vaporizers, and other cannabis vaporizers.
Government of BC, Business in Vancouver
- The Cannabis Council of Canada argued the tax, chiefly aimed at nicotine vaping products, would make legal products less competitive with illicit ones, and most insiders agreed.
MJ Biz Daily, Twitter—Tom Ulanowksi, Trina Fraser, GoBlueCDN - Health Canada said this week it was “actively monitoring” the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention’s conclusion that vitamin E acetate is “a very strong culprit” behind the VAPI epidemic. The agency acknowledged vitamin E acetate is banned from Canadian vape products.
CTV News
Quick Hits
- Facing a lot of bad news in the Canadian sector, many are turning their hopes to Europe, which they expect will begin legalizing soon. Business In Vancouver
- Aleafia said its first outdoor harvest achieved the cheapest cannabis in the legal industry, produced at roughly $0.10 per gram.