Ninety-five percent of legal weed operators in the state received the widely-discussed and criticized news that all plant-touching business needed to join the Metrc regulation system, which tracks product from seed to sale.
Five percent — about 400 operators — missed the memo (and the news stories and the repeated government reminders.) They are now both suspended and impeding the supply chain. MJ Business Daily
- The Bureau of Cannabis Control, Department of Public Health, and Department of Food and Agriculture reported that 2,630 marijuana companies, 932 manufacturers, and 3,830 farmers figured out how to make it happen. The numbers have fluctuated mildly throughout the week.
- The process of registration takes approximately three hours.
- The California Cannabis Industry Association’s position is that the suspensions result from a lack of awareness. “This has flown under the radar” of these retailers, delivery services, microbusinesses and distributors, according to Communications Director Josh Drayton.